🤖 Chatbot
✏️ Studio


What are Intents?

Intents represent the intentions or purposes behind a users input or query. They help the chatbot understand what the user wants or what action they intend to perform. Each intent typically corresponds to a specific task, action, or response that the chatbot can handle.

Role of Intents

Fundamental step in chatbot development: Creating intents.

  • Link user inquiries to appropriate responses/actions.

  • Understand and respond to user requests accurately and contextually.

  • Association of intentions with appropriate responses/actions is crucial.

For example, if a user asks, "What's the weather like today?", the chatbot should recognize the intent as 'asking about the weather' and respond with the current weather information. This response could be a pre-defined text message, or it could involve an action like fetching real-time weather data from an external API.

How to use them in Chatbot Studio?

  • Go to the Flow section in the Chatbot Studio.

  • From the Start section, drag and drop the Intent component onto the canvas.

  • Define the intent by providing a name and adding a short description about the intent in the Model section.

  • Now you can add custom responses or actions to the intent in the Flow section.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do write clear and concise descriptions.
  • Do properly describe the scope of the intent.
  • Don't Write long and complex descriptions.
  • Don't create intents that overlap or conflict with each other.


In the restrictions setting 'only answer from knowledge base' will prevent function calls, which may result in the intent not being detected.

Make sure to change the restrictions to "... answer from knowledge base & function calling"